Welcome to Julia Talbot's blog!

Welcome, everyone! Here's where I blather about writing, life with my wife BA, and my two basset hounds! I love to hear from readers, so comment here or email me!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2013 Charity Blog Hop for Outserve

Our Bloghop Starts Here: Torquere Press

Hey y'all. Sorry I seem to be late to the party. As a lot of you know, my dad is really ill and I'm doing things as I catch time.

This year, my Sip Knights in Silk will help out Outserve, a military organization for equality and fair treatment of LGBT military personnel.

I was at Fort Bragg as a kid, and the Golden Knights were as much a part of my life as the Blue Angels and big artillery. I remember marveling at how skilled they were, and admiring how hot those guys were when I was a young teenager. So that's where Knights in Silk came from.

I hope you enjoy Kane and Derek. You can find them here!



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